domingo, 30 de julho de 2023

artigo: hora do martelo

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All woodworkers love tools. Sometimes, I think many of us love woodworking tools more than the actual woodworking.

I like tools that will make my job easier and faster as well as those that are beautiful and fun to use. Other tools I enjoy reaching for are those that I’ve inherited. I have a decent set of hand tools I got from my dad, who got them from his dad, and I like imagining my grandfather using some of these tools to build furniture and homes in the Lake of Bays area of central Ontario between the 1920s and 1960s.

I also like some of the tools I’ve made over the years. They range from ones that are incredibly basic and utilitarian to those that are somewhat fancy and maybe even over-engineered. Thankfully, they’re mainly in the former category, because “form follows function” is a saying I can get behind.

Napoleon Hill.    

Napoleon Hill foi um escritor estadunidense influente na área de autoajuda. Foi assessor de Woodrow Wilson e Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presidentes dos Estados Unidos. Dizia um dos seus compromissos: “o que a mente do homem pode conceber e acreditar, pode ser alcançada”. Otimos livros de auto ajuda, recomendo.
Nascimento: 26 de outubro de 1883, Pound, Virgínia, EUA
Falecimento: 8 de novembro de 1970, Greenville, Carolina do Sul, EUA
Cônjuge: Annie Lou Norman (de 1943 a 1970), Florence Elizabeth Hornor (de 1910 a 1935)

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